Saturday, December 31, 2011

End of the year thoughts

Well, here we are at the end of 2011, and I am sitting on my chaise in front of the fire reflecting.  This has been a year of much joy, sorrow, surprises, and beginnings.  We lost some dear friends and one aunt, so thankful that they are with our Heavenly Father now.  Missing them is the tough part.  Sometimes it is hard to see the light at the end of a sorrowful tunnel, but God is so amazing and always shows joy at the end of sadness.
I have found that I love being home.  I no longer work outside of the house, surprisingly, and completely enjoy being home again. Card making and scrap booking have become my passion, even more so than before. It is hard to imagine a day going by without a visit to my studio (being newly renovated as I type).   
I think often of my amazing family and how truly blessed I am to have them each in my life.  I am reminded daily of my blessings.  A new blessing this year was our Melody Joy who entered our lives in November.
When all is said and done, I am spoiled beyond what any one person should hope for when it comes to love and family.  Dan has loved me with an unconditional kind of love that can only be learned from knowing our Abba Father.  He taught me how to love without expectations or limitations.  What an amazing story we have.  It is a love story for the ages.  And to see how he has taught each of our kids, but most especially the boys.  There will be two very blessed young ladies some day to have them for husbands.
When I tell people that Dan and I don't fight, ever!  I get the, "Yeah, right" response.  But in all truthfulness, we don't.  We love to laugh and just can't see a reason for the fighting...nothing seems worth an argument or anger.  I truly respect and admire this man I am honored to be loved by and married to.  He is an amazing and integral part of my life.  And, to think that in addition to all of this, he is an amazing example of what a godly man should be.
So at the end of the year 2011 I want to be reminded to be thankful daily that I am loved by an amazing God, an amazing man, amazing grandchildren, and amazing children.   "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." 3John 1:4
So as I close this post may I remind all of my friends, family and anyone who will listen to what I have to ramble on about....I wake up every morning and choose JOY and celebrate thankfulness...would you like to join me?

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